Roberta Di Pietro
University of Chieti
Roberta Di Pietro got the degree in Medicine cum Laude in 1985 and the Master in Sports Medicine cum Laude in 1988, University of Chieti, Italy. She worked as a visiting scientist in UK at the Biochemistry Department, AFRC, Cambridge; in USA at the Pathology Department, USUHS, Bethesda, and at the Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland, Baltimore. Since 2005 she has worked at the G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti, Italy, as a Full Professor of Histology. She is Executive Guest Editor of Current Pharmaceutical Design, Member of the Editorial Board of Horizon Research Publishing Corporation, USA, Review Editor and Guest Editor for Frontiers in Oncology, and Honorary Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Oncology. In 2010 she was recognized as a Registered Referee for Archives of Ophthalmological Reviews and Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology and since 2016 for Spandidos Publications. She is now author of 194 scientific publications plus international e-book and Italian textbook chapters.
Research Interest
Histology ,electron microscopy, signal transduction, amniotic membrane.